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DY110 ACS chamber for a Research study on recyclable film composites

ACS chamber DY110 for the University of Duisburg-Essen

In 2023 the Institute for Product Engineering of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, started using our climatic chamber to test plastic samples aiming at improving their sustainability.

The Chair of Engineering Design and Plastics Machinery at IPE - Institute of Product Engineering is expanding its equipment with the DY110 climatic test chamber from Angelantoni Test Technologies.

This is a compact climatic chamber that enables both climatic and thermostatic testing of plastic samples. Here, climatic profiles and cycles can be specifically set to simulate different environmental conditions. The temperature can be varied between -40°C and + 180°C and the humidity between 10% and 95%.

The climatic test chamber will be used for the targeted investigation of aging-related effects within the scope of various research projects of the institute, for the first time within the joint project REPLACE: Film composites without primer and recyclable - Development of a new atmospheric pressure plasma treatment for co-extrusion.

The Chair of Engineering Design and Plastics Machinery at the Institute for Product Engineering, headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Schiffers, is a companion and driver of research topics in the field of the plastics industry. The scientific staff works on research projects with the main focus on injection molding technology, extrusion technology as well as component testing. Within these areas publicly funded projects as well as bilateral projects are worked on directly with partners from industry. In order to train new engineering specialists, the integration of student employees in research is an important part of the institute's philosophy.

To find out more about our DY Compact chambers go to Compact Climatic Chambers