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Large ACS thermal shock test chamber for GESTLabs laboratory

ACS environmental test chambers for Gestlabs

"A new CST1000/2T chamber has been introduced to perform thermal shock tests on electronic components and products for high tech industries, such as automotive, aerospace and industrial machinery."

The CST1000/2T chamber is an important addition for GESTLabs to their Environmental Tests Department (Environmental & Reliability Stress Area), which is also equipped with ACS chambers of different types.

This chamber will perform rapid temperature variation tests according to the CEI EN 60068-2-14 Na standard and the like.

The decision to purchase this model was determined by the desire to respond to market demands related to products of increasingly important dimensions, which cannot be managed through standard chambers. A further advantage lies in being able to test a large number of samples at the same time, significantly reducing testing times and related costs. To meet this requirement, the new chamber has a horizontal movement mechanism and not a vertical one." says Luca Agostoni, the company's Business Development Manager.

GESTLabs is a

  • Materials Science Laboratory
  • Environmental Tests Laboratory
  • Professional training center
  • Electronic Design House

Thanks to its 30 years of experience and to our equipment, GestLabs identifies the causes of product defectiveness to correct the phases of the production process responsible for the failure. This activity allows its customers to reduce the risk of releasing products not conform to market expectations or standards. Among them, nationally and internationally renowned companies in the Aerospace, Automotive, Home Appliances, Electronics, Power&Automation, Medical and TelCo sectors

On the 1st of August 2021 the operational headquarters were moved to Via Piave 6, Lomagna (LC) in a new larger building – 3,600 square meters in total, of which 3,000 dedicated to to Testing, Analysis and development of new machinery - which will allow GESTLabs to raise the level of service offered to customers and to satisfy an ever increasing demand in the R&D and Quality sector.

From testing on LEDs to small satellites: the CST1000/2T responds perfectly to the Lab needs both in terms of technical features and volume, satisfying the market demand to carry out tests not only on components but also on semi-finished products, objects that are very close to the final product even in their intermediate dimensions.
The large size of the chamber and the horizontal movement also allow optimizing costs and working time, by inserting more specimens in the chamber at once.

  • cst-gestlabs

CST1000/2T: the largest ACS thermal shock test chamber

Thermal shock test chambers are used to subject the sample to severe shocks through the sudden and repeated passage from a high temperature to a low temperature area, with the aim of identifying defective components or those subject to infantile mortality, mainly in the electronics sector.

The basket capacity of 1000 l (730x1000x140 WxdXH mm approx) allows to have a max load of 150 kg. The movement between the hot and cold room is of horizontal type, by a pneumatic device.

In the basic configuration, the chamber control is realized by PLC with "KeyKratos Plus" touchscreen, offering numerous advantages such as:

  • Unlimited real time recording of temperature measured values versus time (log on Compact flash).
  • Recordings in CSV format (Comma Separated Value) for easy export to Excel® from Compact Flash to Pendrive via USB interface placed on the front panel (program files are easily convertible into graphic format).
  • A trend chart for recorded variables available with a scale from -100/+250.

The basic configuration also includes:

  • Hot chamber inspection window
  • Basket starting delay system
  • External structure in RAL7035 grey and RAL5015 light blue for the door
  • Ethernet port
  • RS 232 interface

ACS complete standard line of air/air thermal shock test chambers

Besides the CST1000/2T model the ACS “traditional approach” - having the specimen moving in a basket from the cold and hot rooms - includes the 500 l (horizontal movement) and the 320 l (vertical movement). The new 130 l model, named CST130/2T “spinner”, has been completely redesigned based on the Discovery My model and is equipped with MyKratos™ control system.
The “alternative approach” of CST "flapper" models (130 e 320 l) specimen is fixed in its position and the chamber is connected alternatively to hot and cold chambers.


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