Founding members includes organizations from Argentina, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

On 6 Dec. we signed a collaboration agreement between Angelantoni Test Technologies and Eles from Todi.

Improve your research and product development with our new line of CO2 Cooling Subcritical Chambers!

As ACS, we are at the forefront of the green transition, from traditional fluorinated gases to CO2 (R744), having a GWP (Global Warming Potential) equal to 1.

Branch growth over the last 10 years: a path of success and innovation in the Environmental Testing sector

Young people and training, reduction of emissions and implementation of policies in favor of the sustainable development objectives of the 2030 Agenda: these are the Sustainability drivers that guide the Group's activities.

Angelantoni Test Technologies hired 5 students from the IPSIA Professional Institute in Todi under first level apprenticeship contracts.

In continuity with the vision of founder Giuseppe Angelantoni, the Group's Head of Corporate Sustainability describes the company's experience in the specific area of its privileged relationship with the Umbrian territory

Angelantoni Test Technologies strengthens its ACS Service assistance center with the acquisition of AERRE Service.

The Italian Space Agency's Prisma satellite, tested in an ACS Thermal Vacuum Chamber, is helping rescue workers during the earthquake emergency in Turkey and Syria.

Alessio Damiani of Asterisco Tech and Patrizio Quattrocchi of Angelantoni Test Technologies were respectively appointed President and Vice President of Umbria e-mobility Network.

ACS received a recognition from the URSC, India's leading centre of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for satellite construction and related satellite technology development, during its Golden Jubilee celebration.

The ArgoMoon nanosatellite on board the Space Launch System - on its way to the Moon - was made by the Italian company Argotec and tested by an ACS space simulator.

Giuseppe Angelantoni began business in 1932 and founded his company, which is now acknowledged globally in over 100 countries.

The sustainability of R472, the ACS refrigerant gas for ultra-low temperature applications, at MCE Mostra Convegno Expocomfort, Rho Fiera Milano.

R23 is not a problem anymore! ACS has the solution: R472B, the new "green" refrigerant gas for your Ultra Low Temperature applications

It is online from today the ACS CUSTOMER CARE&SERVICE portal, our new all‑in‑one Help Desk, active 24 hours a day, easy-to-use and accessible from our website and App.

The free online course took place in two morning sessions on 23rd and 24th November, with the registration of over 110 technicians from the test laboratories of the main Italian companies in various industrial sectors.

How to check the resistance and behaviour of materials to prolonged exposure to solar radiation?

Discover R472A, the refrigerant gas with the lowest GWP ever in the ultra-low temperature sector.

The two special ACS thermal vacuum chambers for YARZ, a leader in the telecommunications sector.
On April 12th and 13th E-TECH EUROPE 2022 will be the set to showcase the most advanced Electrical and Electronic Technologies – all primed for the upcoming industrial and economic automotive revolution.
On December 2nd, a huge ACS Thermal Vacuum Chamber reached the Moscow area after a spectacular journey, which led it to sail by river in front of the Kremlin.
ACS and Tecram are pleased to announce the third edition of the course (in Italian) that will be held on October 4 and 5 from 9:00 to 12:00.
The new website of ACS’s India branch is online: renewed to meet the needs of an increasingly high tech market. Read the article to find out more.
The webinar (in Italian) is free. At the end of the course, a Certificate of Participation will be issued.
The Umbrian Aerospace District will also participate at the table for the program for relaunching the aerospace industry through resources coming from the Recovery Fund.