ACS Best Practice in School-Business Partnership under the banner of sustainability
Angelantoni Test Technologies hired 5 students from the IPSIA Professional Institute in Todi under first level apprenticeship contracts.
The student dual learning program was first presented to the owners and Human Resources Managers and then co-designed by the Institute and the company with the support of ANPAL Servizi, the technical agency of the Ministry of Labour for the development and promotion of active policies. Thanks to the apprenticeship experience, the 5 young students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out technical assistance in the installation, maintenance and repair of refrigeration systems, in whose technological field Angelantoni has developed innovative products and obtained patents under the banner of sustainability and protection of the planet.
The initiative was presented on 4 July during a visit to the company's headquarters at Località Cimacolle 464 in Massa Martana (PG).
It is precisely these synergies between school and business that help overcome the misalignment between labour demand and supply," explains Massimo Temussi, president of Anpal Servizi. "As an in-house company of the Ministry, and in our role of technical assistance to the Regions, we experience the great distance that exists between the world of training and the world of production. The initiative between the Angelantoni Group and the IPSIA of Todi, to which we contributed in the conception and co-design phase, goes in the right direction and is a best practice to be replicated in other territories. The most interesting aspect is undoubtedly the adoption of the first-level apprenticeship contract. A tool that allows students to obtain the necessary skills to immediately enter the labour market with quality professional profiles.
This new activity strengthens the training project – active since 2020 - jointly conducted by Angelantoni Test Technologies and the IPSIA Institute, which includes the Refrigeration Laboratory, the course in Refrigeration Technology, educational visits, training internships and targeted teacher training.
This project demonstrates the strong bond between company and territory and aims at developing technical skills useful for the growth of the local economy and its vocations, confirming the company's attention towards young people’s education.
We are in Massa Martana, in a marvellous place that not only strengthens our sensitivity to the environment, but also gives us the opportunity to test our ability to intensify our relations with the territory, mainly through the training of young people,' explains Federica Angelantoni. 'It may seem a somewhat Ptolemaic vision, but a company that has technology, skills, creativity and a desire to do business, capable of attracting talent and supported by excellent centres of knowledge, is a company that has all the credentials to grow and prosper in the long term. Our entrepreneurial mission is to give something back to the territory in which we operate, in terms of development, well-being, job opportunities. Every company must unquestionably generate value and profit, it could not survive without it, but this is not in antithesis, rather it goes hand in hand, I would say, with the need for this wealth to be distributed throughout the territory. Only in this way can the conditions be created for substantial and continuous development. This holistic vision of the company is the greatest legacy left by my grandfather, the common thread that still characterizes our way of doing business every day.
We believe that the synergy developed between our Institute and a major company in the area," explained the Headmistress of IPSIA, Venusia Pascucci, "as well as the close collaboration with ANPAL Servizi, which has long supported us in qualifying the School-to-Work Transition processes, represent the right conditions to continue to ensure our students a quality training offer, customised and corresponding to the need for specialised skills expressed by the job market.
Speakers at the event included:
- Federica Angelantoni - Chief Sustainability Officer of Angelantoni Industrie
- Massimo Temussi - President and CEO of ANPAL Servizi
- Giuseppe Timpanaro, Simone Campani and Silvia Santarelli - Umbria/Tuscany Territorial Unit ofANPAL Servizi
- Gianluigi Angelantoni - President of Angelantoni Industrie
- Cesare Angelantoni - Honorary Chairman of Angelantoni Industrie
- Francesca Orsini Federici - HR Manager of Angelantoni TestTechnologies and President of Confindustria Sezione della Media Valle del Tevere (in liaison)
- Raffaella Mastrangelo - Lecturer and Head of IPSIA Todi
- Lorenzo Serafini - Lecturer IPSIA Todi