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Severe Stress Screening with DM1000 TC 20 ESS ACS chamber at CONTINENTAL Automotive France

Severe Stress Screening with DM1000 TC 20 ESS ACS chamber at CONTINENTAL Automotive France

Proud to have another big customer appreciating our efficiency, competence and technical know-how.

The Continental Group develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation.

With the Automotive organization they have created five dynamic, powerful, and flexible Business Areas – Safety and Motion, Autonomous Mobility, User Experience, Smart Mobility, Architecture and Networking - that consistently take their direction from their strategic action fields and the development of the global automotive market.

Last year Continental Automotive France added the fastest Environmental Stress Screening temperature chamber in the ACS range to their Testing Lab equipment. They aimed at performing reliability and quality test on electronics components, with temperatures from -40°C to +160°C and linear ramps at 15K/min while specimens are electrically monitored during the tests.

Besides this internal strategic activity, Continental is carrying out also external testing services for companies mainly working in the space, aircraft, automotive, and industry fields.

Continental Lab staff really appreciated the ACS robust Control System based on MyKratos® S/W, allowing remote management and maintenance of the chamber at any time from any place with any device.

Also, the use of a very low GWP gas as the R472B developed by ACS (substitute to R23), able at the same time to maintain high performances in the common range required by Continental customers (from -70°C to +180°C), was considered a great advantage.

Continental underlined their confidence in our local Sales and Service people: they are able to offer the best support in terms of efficiency and technical know-how thanks also to their long-term experience and a strong problem-solving approach.

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